Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm working on something big-- real big--

For the last 8 months I've dedicated myself to doing only one thing. --Me-- And being the best at it. It definitely was a slow start, but once I got it going everything seemed to take off effortlessly. Just like riding a bike, much harder to get it going from a dead stop, but once you get it rollin its a lot easier to move forward and go faster. I would say the first 4 months were definitely the hardest. But evidently the last 4 weeks have been mind blowing. Each day I feel more humbled and blessed to wake up and know that I am creating exactly what I want. It is not easy, but if you love doing something its not hard -- One of the truest words I've ever come to realize is:

"We become what we think about"

Whatever you think about every day... is exactly what you will become. To Think is to Create. When I first watched the video "The Strangest Secret in the World" it really made sense to me. So i tried it. I tried to think of nothing except what I truly wanted to do and what life would look like in 1 year if everything had gone right. And to this day I still try and hold all my focus on just that. That's all, --I repeat-- the only two things I did was FOCUS on what I wanted to do and what life will look like in 1 year. From there, all the little things that I had done leading up to today seemed to all turn into big things, and all the big things started to attract a million other things all giving me little boosts along the way. And every time something didn't work out (some of you may call that "failing") It steered me in the right direction giving me better guidance and vision. (There's no such thing as failing by the way. That's all bullshit)

I'm working on something big right now, Im not going to tell you what it is but I will definitely keep you all with me for the ride. If you're following along, hold on to your seats. The 2nd act to the show is about to start.


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