Saturday, September 11, 2010

You have to get punched in the face to win the fight.

Getting to where you wanna go in life ain't easy.

Doing the work isn't hard, coming up with the idea isn't hard (we ALL come up with CRAZY ideas that are worth a million bucks) even coming up with the money to fund your ideas isn't hard. (If you really look hard enough, there is always someone ready to fund a spectacular idea and plan) What is hard is that first set back, the first road bump the first real obstacle that gets in your way.

We all come up with a great idea that we just know will work. We know all the right things to do, where we can go for help, and how it fits our personality so perfectly that we know "it's gonna make me a million bucks!" But then it happens: some key piece that was holding it all together didn't come through and now you're lost. How many times have you told yourself, "That was it, I needed that or the whole project is up in smoke". Well I'm here to tell you that THAT was just the very first road block in your journey.

You see, you can't win a fight if you stay down after getting hit once, you can't get that dream girl unless you get your balls busted a few times, you can't win the game if you quit after they score a point on you and you certainly won't get to your dreams before running into MANY road blocks. And here's the best part, they're not really road blocks. They are opportunities. *sounds cliche?* Even so, stop wasting your time telling yourself that it can't be done --waste of time-- start working on how else you can get the task done, or where else you can find that missing resource. If you don't know someone that can help you, someone you know definitely will know someone that can. 6 billion ppl in the world you can't tell me there isn't someone out there.

You wanna win the fight, expect to get punched, you want the girl, get rejected by 50 first (trust me this works really well btw) they scored a point on you, bring the ball up the court and score right back. You're plans fell through?! Well get back up find another way to finish the task and get going. And best believe that as you get more successful, the obstacles only get bigger and bigger. The harder the obstacle just means the bigger the success. Never except failure, only accept opportunities to get better. And somehow the universe always has a way of returning your hard work.


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